Jenifer Maxson will bring her new one-woman show “Skin in the Game” to the Meeting House on Friday, October 23rd at 7:30 p.m.  This performance is free, but seating is very limited to allow social distancing.  Reservations are required at or 631-722-5170.

“The piece itself is irreverent but respectful–relevant, real and at least 51% funny,” according to Masxon.  “It tracks the beginning of my ‘rude awakening,’ some fifteen years ago, to my own accidental racism–my unconscious embrace of the invisible doctrine  of “white privilege” that, one way or another, continues to enslave us all, and includes my dawning recognition that I probably had to do something about it.  ‘Skin in the Game’ is what I’ve done.”

Maxson is a retired English/Language Arts instructor and drama director at Shelter Island School.  She has directed and/or appeared in numerous community theatre productions throughout Long Island.   She has also written four other original one-woman shows and performed them widely on both forks.

Last December, she brought a memorable reading of Charles Dickens’s ‘A Christmas Carol’ to the Meeting House.  She kept those of us privileged to be there on the edge of our pews.

To maintain social distance, we will use only every other pew with seating limited to one party per pew.  Masks will be required in the audience.